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Posters, Papers Presentations 

The National Capital AAZK chapter members have worked hard on papers, presentations, and posters at National AAZK Conferences.  Scroll down to learn more about their work over the years! 

Photo Credit:  Nikki Maticic 

Posters, Papers & Presentations.

Each year, National AAZK Conference attendees are given the chance to submit abstracts for papers and/or poster presentations.  If the submission is selected, the attendee will either present a presentation or host a poster discussion to other Conference attendees.  This is a wonderful professional development opportunity and we are proud to share their work on various topics from over the years! You can also click here to view and access many of these files via the National AAZK website! 


Hosted by Toronto AAZK  

Topical Workshops

  • "Playing It Safe - Creating Enrichment for All Animals," - Kathryn Juliano, as a part of AAZK's Safety Committee 

  • "Are Beavers Really That Difficult? Basic Management and Care for the North American Beaver," - Jackie Spicer and Diana Vogel

  • "Leading Without Title," - Hilary Colton 


Hosted by Los Angeles AAZK 

​Papers (virtually presented) 

  • "Using the Hierarchy of Safety Controls to Improve Safety in Your Zoo or Aquarium," - Kathryn Juliano

  • "Creating Virtual Connections- How AAZK Chapters Can Hold Online Career Events for Students," - Hilary Colton and Kathryn Juliano 

  • "The Association of Minority Zoo & Aquarium Professionals- What We're All About" - Craig Saffoe, Carly Hornberger, and Carolina Powell

  • "Telling Tails: Monitoring Panthera leo Health Through Tail Training," - Charlie Shaw 


No papers and/or posters were able to be presented this year due to the Covid-19 pandemic 


Hosted by Indianapolis AAZK 


  • "Ready, Set, Goat! Using Training and Enrichment to Increase Guest Involvement," - Nikki Maticic 

Certificate Course

  • “A Keeper’s Role in Safety,” - Kathryn Juliano as a part of AAZK Safety Committee’s Professional Certificate Course


Hosted by Denver AAZK


​Topical Workshops 

  • "Hosting a Successful Conference," - Elise Bernardoni 

  • “Presentation Messaging: A Conversation About the Balance of Education and Entertainment,” - Hilary Colton 


Hosted by National Capital AAZK 


  • "Wildlife SOS- Trip to India," - Kayleigh Sullivan

  • "The Value of a Full Review of Husbandry Practices," -  Marty Dearie

  • "It takes a community to save species, an in-depth look at pest control in New Zealand," - Kathy Brader


  • "Dieting and Reproductive Success of an Obese Male Brown Kiwi," - Wesley Bailey

  • "Voluntary radiographs in an adult female Bornean orangutan: fabrication, training, and teamwork," - Amanda Bania, Becky Malinsky, Dr. Katharine Hope, and Matt Hancock

  • "Acclimating Red Pandas to their New Exhibit," - Patricia Jarvis

  • "Comparing Large Cat Growth Rates: A Case Study at the Smithsonian's National Zoological Park," - Kathryn Juliano

  • "Bei Bei’s Bamboo Bezoar," - Nicole MacCorkle and Laurie Thompson

  • "Training 4.0.0 Miniature Mediterranean Donkeys for Medical Behaviors and Visitor Demonstrations," - Nikki Maticic

  • "Tiger Talk – Utilizing Common Communication Signals to Identify Estrous in A Sumatran Tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae),"- Leigh Pitsko

  • "Nesting Behavior in Zoo-Housed Orangutans," - Alexandra J. Reddy and Meredith L. Bastian

  • "Modern Conservation: The Red Siskin Initiative," - Erica Royer

Topical Workshops 

  • "Developing an Open Forum for Zoological Ethics at Your Institution," - Chelsea Grubb

  • "Diversity and Inclusion in Animal Care Sciences," - Hilary Colton

  • "Saving Species Through Signs, Sounds, Sculptures, and More," Cheryl Braunstein

  • "Site Planning and Design: Balancing the Demands of People, Land and Animals," - Jennifer Daniels



Hosted by Memphis AAZK 


  • "The role Zoo’s play in salamander conservation," - Matthew Evans

  • "Evaluation of the critically endangered Indochinese Box Turtle (Cuora galbinifrons complex) to improve captive population management," - Lauren Augustine


  • "Training a Harbor Seal (Phoca vitulina) for Voluntary Dental Radiographs," - Jackie Spicer

Topical Workshops

  • "Maximizing Animal Conservation," - Lauren Augustine and Kenton Kerns

  • "AAZK Wants You," - Rachael Rufino


Hosted by St. Louis AAZK 


  • "Engaging citizen scientists to determine prevalence of Amphibian Chytrid fungus and   Ranavirus at Long Branch Nature Center in Arlington, Virginia," - Lauren Augustine and Matthew Neff

  • "Golden Ambassadors: Using golden and golden‐headed lion tamarins as  ambassadors for conservation," Dr. Jennifer Mickelberg  and Kenton Kerns

  • "Strategies for Navigating the Career Transition from Keeper to Animal Manager," - Denny Charlton


  • "We’re on a Roll! Hand rearing efforts with Elegant crested tinamou (Eudromia elegans) chicks," - Hilary Colton 



Hosted by Orlando AAZK 


  • "Care of a Neonate Grey Seal," - Chelsea Grubb, Rebecca Miller, and Jackie Spicer

  • "Lean On Me: The value of knowing and relying on your fellow AAZK chapter leaders," - Elise Bernardoni, Rachael Rufino, Robin Sutker, and Stephanie Turner

  • "The NCAAZK Mini-Conference: Facilitating Regional Cooperation Amongst Local AAZK Chapters,"- Lauren Augustine, Kenton Kerns, Chelsea Grubb, Elise Bernardoni, Hilary Colton


Hosted by North Carolina AAZK 


  • "Tools of the Trade: Using Your AAZK Chapter to Connect Guests to Wildlife," - Elise Bernardoni and Kenton Kerns

  • "Bridging the Gap to Further Reptile and Amphibian Conservation," - Lauren Augustine


  • "Videographic Study on Brown Kiwi (Apteryx mantelli) Juvenile Behavior in Captivity." - Kenneth B. Wesley and Kathleen Brader


Hosted by Syracuse AAZK 


  • "Bringing it Home: Participating in Local Conservation A workshop by the AAZK Conservation Committee," - Amanda Kamradt, Christy Poelker, Amanda Ista, Amy Hanna, Bob Cisneros, Christy Conk, Lauren Augustine, Mary Ann Cisneros, Wendy Lenhart, Penny Jolly, T'Noya Gonzales

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