We are so excited to announce the recipients of our 2022 Conservation Donations!
After a member vote, the recipients of our two Conservation Donations are:
The Endangered Primate Foundation & The Sihek Recovery Team and Translocation Project
Each organization will receive $500 as part of the donation. We are proud to be able to support these conservation organizations and are excited for our members to be able to support organizations they are passionate about!
You can read below to learn more about each organization:
Endangered Primate Foundation's Prosimian Sanctuary is the only sanctuary in the US dedicated to providing rehabilitation and care for lemurs and other prosimians rescued or surrendered from the pet trade, roadside zoos, and more. Donations to EPF provide for care and habitat maintenance of the lemurs at the sanctuary.
The Guam kingfisher/Sihek Species Survival Program is based at the Sedgwick County Zoo. The Deputy Director of Sedgwick County Zoo is the Sihek SSP coordinator and studbook keeper therefore, funds for Sihek translocation work are routed through the SCZ. The SSP has been working as part of the larger Sihek Recovery Team to develop an effective conservation translocation strategy to re-establish a viable wild population of Sihek. This translocation plan will not only be vital to ensure the long-term survival of the species but will also provide insights into conservation translocation strategies for other highly threatened species.